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A Comprehensive Guide to Know About Websites: For CMS only

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Table of Contents

Imagine you’re a detective, and you want to find out everything about a website, just like finding clues in a mystery game. We’re going to learn how to discover where a website was born, where it lives, and all the cool tools it uses to look awesome and work smoothly. Let’s start our adventure and become website detectives! learning how to find out all sorts of things about websites – how our guide to know about websites

A young detective exploring the mysteries of websites.

Find Registrars

Registrars are like the town halls for websites. When someone creates a website, they go to a registrar to say, “Hey, I want to call my website” and the registrar makes sure no one else has that name. Knowing the registrar helps us find out who first made the website and when they did it. It’s like knowing where a person was born.

A cartoonish data center illustrating web hosting concepts helps you to find the information about the domain name server website details etc.

CMS details

CMS stands for Content Management System. It’s a big toolbox that helps people build and take care of their websites without needing to be computer wizards. Websites use different CMS tools like Lego sets to put together their pages and posts. Knowing a website’s CMS is like knowing what kind of toys they like to play with.

A digital library showcasing different CMS platforms.

CMSdetect is an online tool that detects which CMS platform is used to build, WIX, WordPress, Shopify, and so on.

Identifying the Theme

A theme is what gives a website its look and feel. It’s like choosing clothes for a website. Some websites choose fancy dresses, and others prefer comfy jeans. By finding out a website’s theme, we understand its style and what it wants to look like when people visit.

Website themes in a digital fashion show.

Lookup for Plugins

Plugins are extra magic spells that websites use to do cool stuff like showing videos, making galleries, or letting you chat. It’s like having superhero gadgets that help a website do more than just show pictures and text.

Detective characters analyzing plugins.

Knowing what plugins a site uses tells us what special powers it has. special tools or add-ons that give extra features or abilities to a website. Imagine you have a toy car. By itself, it’s pretty cool, but what if you could add a rocket booster to it? Or maybe lights and sounds? Plugins do something similar for websites. That is why to guide to know about websites or a manual for understanding websites.

Examine the Traffic

In the digital world, “Check Traffic” means seeing how many visitors (people) come to a website. It’s like counting how many friends come to your birthday party. Websites love visitors because it means people are interested in what they have to say or sell.

Exploring website traffic with a glowing globe.

By checking traffic, you can also see which parts of your website are the most fun or interesting, kind of like knowing which game at your party everyone loves to play. This helps website owners make their websites even cooler, so more people want to visit. It’s a way to know if your lemonade stand is the talk of the town or if you need to add some more sugar!

Few tools are given such as Similar WebSemRushUbersuggest, etc.

Designed Using Checker

The BuiltWith checker is a detective tool that tells us all the different parts a website is made of, like what kind of technology it uses and what tools make it work. It’s as if we could see the ingredients list on a cake to figure out what makes it so yummy.

Analyzing a website’s technology stack in a futuristic lab.

Spam Score Calculator

A Spam Score Calculator for websites is like a health check to see if a website is sending out bad vibes, kind of like checking if a cookie has too much sugar before you eat it. This tool measures how likely a website is to be considered spammy by search engines and other websites. Just like in school, where you’d get graded on your work, websites get scores too!

Think of the internet as a big school, and all the websites are students. Some students (websites) follow the rules, do their homework, and are super nice to everyone. These sites have low spam scores, meaning they’re trusted and get to be in the cool group with search engines, like Google. Then, some students break the rules, don’t do their homework, and might not be very nice. These sites get high spam scores, and search engines might not invite them to the cool parties (search results).

Checking websites’ spam scores in a digital neighbourhood.

So, a Spam Score Calculator looks at a website and checks if it’s doing things that seem spammy, like being too pushy, hiding what it’s really about, or hanging out with the wrong crowd (linking to bad websites). The score helps website owners know if they need to clean up their act to be more liked by search engines and visitors, kind of like knowing you need to be nicer and follow the rules to have more friends.


We’ve been on a cool adventure, learning how to find out all sorts of things about websites, from where they live to how they’re decorated. Remember, being a website detective means using our powers for good, to learn and be curious. Keep exploring, and you’ll discover amazing things about the internet!

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